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Hier findest du alle Termine & Links zu Ticketverkauf / -reservationen von bollwerk.bollwerkfilm’s Bühnenstücken, ortsspezifischen Touren und Shows, Tanzerlebnistouren, Stücke und Erlebnistouren für ein junges Publikum, sowie Filmvorführungen und Trainings von bollwerk.bollwerkfilm

Bei Fragen kontaktiere uns:
und für dringende Angelegenheiten sende eine Nachricht an
TEL. +41 76 77 229 12 oder IG direct message: bollwerk.bollwerkfilm.aboll

Please find below the dates & links to get tickets or make reservations for our shows on stage, site specific tours and shows, dance experience tours, young audience shows and tours, as well as dance movie screenings.

For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us:
info@bollwerk-andrea boll
and for urgent matters send a message to
TEL. +41 76 77 229 12 or IG direct message: bollwerk.bollwerkfilm.aboll

25. Mai l 16:30 l Zeughausareal Uster – Zeughausfest l SCHNAPPSCHUSS 2.1 – 20min extract
25. Mai l 19:30 l Zeughausareal Uster – Zeughausfest l SCHNAPPSCHUSS 2.1 – 20min extract
25. Mai l 21:30 l Zeughausareal Uster – Zeughausfest l SCHNAPPSCHUSS 2.1 – 20min extract

23. Sept. l 20:00 l Zeughausareal Uster l SCHNAPPSCHUSS 2.0
24. Sept. l 20:00 l Zeughausareal Uster l SCHNAPPSCHUSS 2.0
Abendkasse ab 19.30, reserviereen: DM:bollwerk.bollwerkfilm.aboll / / Tel. +41 76 772 29 12

29 March l 20:30 l Bachturnhalle Schaffhausen l SCHNAPPSCHUSS 1.0
31 March l 20:30 l Bachturnhalle Schaffhausen l SCHNAPPSCHUSS 1.0

July 2022: 2-weeks residency at Cie Thor, Brussles

more about the SCHNAPPSCHUSS – series

Junges Publikum (8+) – Tanzerlebnistour durchs Museum
Young Audience (8+) – dance tour through the museum

10 Dez. 2023 l 11:00 l Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
öffentliche Vorstellung (6+ und Erwachsene)
*9 Mai – 21 Dez. l Museum der Anthropologie Zürich l Schule & Kultur: für Schulklassen des Kantons Zürich (jederzeit buchbar auf Anfrage)

*Schulkultur Stadt Zürich (Schulklassen der Stadt Zürich) l Museum der Anthropologie Zürich:

FR 29 Sept. 10:00 & 13:30
MO 2 Okt. 10:00 & 13:30
FR 27 Okt. 10:00 & 13:30
MO 30 Okt. 10:00 & 13:30
MO 13 Nov. 10:00 & 13:30
FR 17 Nov. 10:00 & 13:30

3 Sept. 2022 l 18:15 l Lange Nacht der Museen / Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
3 Sept. 2022 l 19:45 l Lange Nacht der Museen / Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
3 Sept. 2022 l 21:15 l Lange Nacht der Museen / Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
3 Sept. 2022 l 22:45 l Lange Nacht der Museen / Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
(Ausschnitte aus #knochen)
(excerpts from #knochen)

 8 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
 9 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
10 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
11 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
12 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
13 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
15 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
16 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
17 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
18 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
19 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur
20 Feb. 2022 l 14:30 l Naturmuseum Winterthur

Naturmuseum Winterthur, Museumstrasse 52, 8400 Winterthur

TEL: 0522675166 /


12 Sept 2021 | 11:00 | Festival JUPS Schaffhausen / Museum Allerheiligen
12 Sept 2021 | 14:00 | Festival JUPS Schaffhausen / Museum Allerheiligen
1 Oct 2021 | 9:00 | Young Dance Festival ZugMuseum für Urgeschichte(n) (school performance)
1 Oct 2021| 14:00 |  Young Dance Festival ZugMuseum für  Urgeschichte(n)
 (school performance)
2 Oct 2021 | 15:30 | Young Dance Festival Zug, Museum für Urgeschichte(n)
3 Oct 2021 | 11:00 | Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
Für die Vorstellung im Musem der Anthroplogie sind nur 25 Plätz verfügbar, bitte reserviere deinen Platz:
(only 25 places available, please reserve your spot):

25 Feb. | 10.00 | school performance in Museum der Anthropologie Zürich / Tanzhaus Zürich
25 Feb. | 14.00 | school performance in Museum der Anthropologie Zürich / Tanzhaus Zürich
26 Feb. | 10.00 | school performance in Museum der Anthropologie Zürich / Tanzhaus Zürich
27 Feb. | 10.00 | school performance in Museum der Anthropologie Zürich / Tanzhaus Zürich
27 Feb. | 14.00 | school performance in Museum der Anthropologie Zürich / Tanzhaus Zürich
28 Feb. | 10.00 | school performance in Museum der Anthropologie Zürich / Tanzhaus Zürich
16 March | 14.00 | school performance in Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
 (cancelled due to covid)
1 March | 14.00 | open show (from age 8+) | Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
5 Sept. | Lange Nacht der Zürcher Museen open show (from age 8+)| Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
(cancelled due to covid)
14 Sept. | 10.00 | school performance | Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
14 Sept. | 14.00 | school performance | Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
15 Sept. | 10.00 | school performance | Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
15 Sept. | 14.00 | school performance | Museum der Anthropologie Zürich
16 Sept. | 10.00 | school performance | Museum der Anthropologie Zürich

15 March 2019 | 18:00 | sharing at Tanzhaus Zürich
11 Sept. | 15.00 | school performance in Museum für Urgeschichte Zug / Young Dance Festival Zug
12. Sept. | 10.00 | school performance in Museum für Urgeschichte Zug / Young Dance Festival Zug
13 Sept. | 10.00 | school performance in Museum für Urgeschichte Zug / Young Dance Festival Zug
13 Sept. | 14.00 | school performance in Museum für Urgeschichte Zug / Young Dance Festival Zug
14. Sept. | 13:00 | open performance in Museum für Urgeschichte Zug / Young Dance Festival Zug


MON 18 – THU 21 Nov. Profitraining @Tanzhaus Zürich

TANZHAUS ZÜRICHcircles-spirales-serpentines with Andrea Boll
MON 18 Jan 2024 – 10:00 – 11:30
TUE 19 Jan 2024 – 11:00 – 12:30
WED 20 Jan 2024 – 10:00 – 11:30
THU 21 Jan 2024 – 11:00 – 12:30


TANZBÜRO BASEL with Andrea Boll –
MON 3 April 2023 – 10:30-12:00 – kick-jump-catapult
TUE 4 April 2023 – 10:30-12:00
WED 5 April 2023 – 10:30-12:00

Audition #knochen
SUN 19 March – 10:00 – 18:00
apply / Anmeldung 

ongoing trainings:

Urban & Nature – training on request: / DM: bollwerk.bollwerkfilm.aboll
can be booked as a workshop as well: find out more

CAYoga – online & personal session (studio in Zürich Wipkingen)
MON 19:30 – 20:15 spine treatment (45min)
basics of CAYoga (Critical Alignment Yoga)
THU 19:00 – 20:00/10 happy spine happy life alternating with perky pelvis & legs (icl. backbending with backbender, inversions with headstander, shoulderstand & standing asanas.)

book a personal session / more infos:
cayoga.schweiz.bolla (DM) /

please note:
For the MON-class you need the CAY tools: felt mat & rubber stripe
For the THU-class also the headstander and backbender.
For the online classes you can rent or buy the tools. Contact me to get to know more.
For personal sessions all the tools are available in the studio @Lägernstr. 6 in Zürich


TANZBÜRO BASEL with Andrea Boll – drop-fall-leap
MON 12 Dec. 2022 – 10:30-12:00
TUE 13 Dec. 2022 – 10:30-12:00
WED 14 Dec. 2022 – 10:30-12:00

@BETA PROFITRAINING with Andrea Boll – Masterclass Floorwork
TUE 6 Dec 2022 – 10:00 – 12:00 @ballsaalbern

spirales circles serpentines
FR 25 March – 10:00-11:30 – Tanzerei, Langsägestrasse 2 – CH-6010 Kriens
SAT 26 March – 11:35-13:05 – Tanzerei, Langsägestrasse 2 – CH-6010 Kriens
FR 1 April – 10:00-11:30 – Tanzerei, Langsägestrasse 2 – CH-6010 Kriens
SAT 2 April – 11:35-13:05 – Tanzerei, Langsägestrasse 2 – CH-6010 Kriens

TANZBÜRO BASEL with Andrea Boll
MON 7 March 2022 – 10:30-12:00
TUE 8 March 2022 – 10:30-12:00
WED 9 March 2022 – 10:30-12:00

TUE 5 May 2022, 10:00 – 10:30 @ballsaalbern
TUE 14 Dec. 2021, 10:00 – 10:30 @ballsaalbern
TUE 30 Nov. 2021, 10:00 – 10:30 @ballsaalbern

13 Sept. 17:00 – 23:00︱Museum zu Allerheiligen︱Museumsnacht Schaffhausen
SELECTION – The Dark Side of the Cinema Film Fest, Amsterdam WILD FILMMAKER 
BEST EXPERIMENTAL DIRECTOR – 8 & Half Film Awards – Berlin event
BEST DANCE FILM – 8 & Half Film Awards – Berlin event

published in the book SHORT FILMS – A Non-Exhaustive List of Highly Creative Shorts
purchase the book

AWARDED in 2023:
BEST EXPERIMENTAL SHORT FILM – Wild Filmaker Film Festival Amsterdam
BEST EXPERIMENTAL FILM – Frank Capra Prize, Cannes 1st edition
BEST CHOREOGRAPHY – Frank Capra Prize, Cannes 1st edition
BEST DANCE FILM – Frida Film Festival, Monte Carlo Filmakers Festival
BEST EXPERIMENTAL DIRECTOR – Frida Film Festival, Monte Carlo Filmakers Festival
BEST DANCE MOVIE & BEST POETRY FILM –Nouvelle Vague Film Festival – 8andHalf Film Awards
BEST DANCE MOVIE & BEST EXPERIMENTAL FILM – 8andHalf Film Awards-Special Event New York, 2nd edition
BEST DANCE FILM – Naples Film Award
BEST EXPERIMENTAL – New York Movie Awards
BEST EXPERIMENTAL FILM – 8andHalf Film Awards-Special Event Cannes 7th edition
BEST DANCE FILM – 8andHalf Film Awards-Special Event in Taormina – 1st edition
BEST EDITING EXPERIMENTAL SHORT FILM to Peter Kadar – Garoa Awards, São Paulo, Brazil

AWARDED in 2022:
BEST VIDEODANCE FILM – Celaya Experimental Film Fest
WINNER – Seoul Short Film Festival
BEST EXPERIMENTAL SHORT FILM – Ficmarc -Caribbean Sea International FF

AWARDED in 2021:
OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – Wild Dogs International Screendance Festival

BEST MUSIC and DANCE – Short Film Factory

BEST SHORT – Amarcort Film Festival

BEST OVERALL FILM EDIT – Florence Dance On Screen


BEST SHORT DANCE FILM Sacramento World Film Festival

BEST EXPERIMENTAL SHORT – Madrid Arthouse Film Festival

BEST SHORT – Medusa Film Festival 5th season, USA

BEST DANCE SHORT – Accord Cine Fest, India

BEST DANCE FILM – Kansas Arthouse Festival

BEST DANCE SHORT FILM – Cairo Indie Short Festival

BEST EXPERIMENTAL FILM – New Creators Film Awards 2021 

BEST SHORT DANCE FILM – Vesuvius International Film Fest 

BEST SHORT DANCE – Florida Shorts

MEJOR VIDEO DANZA – XII Encuentro Para Cinéfagos (Festival de CineArte en la Frontera) 

BEST EXPERIMENTAL FILM – Aab International Film Festival

HONORABLE MENTION – Inspired Dance Film Festival Australia


screenings, streamings & nominations 2022 / 23:
Festival Move! – Krefeld (DE) – 3 Nov. 2023
Festival De Video Danza Palma (i.c. with Moovy Tanzfilmfestival), 29 Oct.
D2D Film Festival, Los Angeles, 15 Oct.
Celaya Experimental Film Fest, Mexico, 1st Sept.
Manifest (the Auro Apaar Dance-Film Festival), Pondicherry India, 30/31 of July
KoresponDance Festival, Czech Republic, 14 July
nominated: T.I.F.A. – Tietê International Film Awards
Seoul International Short Film Festival – 3 July
International Film Festival of Ahmednagar India – official selection
BIPOD Festival Beirut – within Ciendans On Tour 26 May + streaming 25-29 May: Citerne.Live
Moovy Tanzfilmfestival 23.04. I 18:00
FECSC- Festival Internacional de Cine de Santa Cruz 15-17 April
8 & HalFilm Awards 13 April – official selection
Beirut International Women Film Festival 6-11 March
Artists for Hope Film Festival 22 Jan – 5 Feb
Kalakari Film Festival – 6 Feb.
Dance Camera Pandemia / Dance Camera Istanbul – 4 Feb.
Caribbean Sea International Film Festival  – 19 Jan.
Flatlands Dance Film Festival – 22. Jan. – FINALIST
Hollywood On The Tiber Fim Awards – Jan. – selected


screenings, streamings & nominations 2021:
12th Athens Video Dance Project 20-21 Dec.
Dallas Dacne Film Festival – 17 Dec.

60 sec. or less Film Festival 17 Dec. (within shorts)
IMARP – Mostra Internacional de dança – Imagens em Movimento – Video dança 13-18 Dec.
Cuerpo Mediado Festival de Videodanza 17-19 Dec.
Calcutta International Short Film Festival 17-18 Dec.
Tokyo International Short Film Festival – Dec. – FINALIST
NanJing International Film Festival 30 Nov. – 1 Dez. 2021
Aporia FF, Korea

Korea’s Mullae Creative Village and Jeju Island
8th Goa Short Film Festival 202

Imajitari – International Dance Film Festival
Dallas Dance Film Festval – 18 Nov.
Moving Images Festival Egomio Cultural Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus 12-14 Nov.
Urban Visions-Beyond the Ideal City – 11-14 Nov.
Florence Dance On Screen Festival 29 Oct. – 1 Nov.
Greensboro Dance Film Festival 30 Oct.

San Francisco Dance Film Festival 15-24 Oct. 2021
New York International Women Festival – 5 Oct. – FINALIST
Kalakari Film Festival, India, Official Selection, Oct 2021
Mill of performing arts, Larissa Greece 25-26 Sept. 2021
Thessaloniki Cinedance International, Vitruvian Thing, Greece 24-26 Sept. 2021
Light Moves Festival of Screendance, Irland 23 – 26 Sept. 2021
ZED Festival Internazionale Videodanza, Italy 22-29 Sept. 2021
Parma Music Film Festival, Italy within CinedansFEST – program, 20-25 Sept. 2021
For Corners Film Festival, USA 15-17 Sept. 2021
Screen Dance International Festival, Detroit Michigan USA 12 Sept. 2021
Sans Souci, Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA 3-5 Sept. 2021
Film Fest by Rogue Dancers, Amongst the people edition 20 Aug. – 5 Sept. 2021
Wild Dogs International Screendance Festival, Canada 18 Sept. 2021
7th Bogotá Experimental Film Festival 18 Aug. in person / online in Sept. 2021
Dencentric Film Festival DFF, USA 21-22 Aug. 2021
New York Battery Festival 12-14 Aug 2021 / online – 20 Aug.
FASS Forward Film Festival 1 Aug. 2021
DanceBRAN ScreenDANCE Festival, Battle Lake USA 27 July
Spring Grove Caledonia Film Festival, Minnesota USA 24-25 July
Dances with Camera Competition, Short Waves Festival, Poland 14-20 June
Dance Film Festival Prague 3 – 5 June 2021
Contact Dance International Film Festival, Toronto, Canada 5-6 June 2021
London Indie Short Festival semi finalist May 2021
DanzaTTack, Islas Canarias Spain 7-16 May 2021
REELING: dance on screen Edmonton Alberta, Canada 16-30 May 2021
Dance On Screen, Switzerland 10-16 May 2021
ScreenDance Festival, Stockholm, Sweden 22 –  29 April 2021
ZIEL Spring Dance Festival, Brooklyn, nyc United States 26-28 March 2021
(NOMINATION Best Production)
Opine Dance Film Festival, Philadelphia United States 25 – 28 March 2021
Cinedans FEST 2021 in shorts 5, Amsterdam, NL  25-28. March 2021
Cine RO – Festival de Cinema de Rondonia, Brazil  10-25 March 2021
(NOMINATIONS: Best Picture, Best Montage, Best Soundtrack, Best Sound)
world premiere: Cinedans FEST 2020 (postponed to 2021 due to covid-19)

Ortsspezifische Erlebnistour in Natur & Stadt
(mit sich forbewegendem Publikum / Teilnehmer:innen)

Tour with a walking audience, site-specific / nature & city

17 June l 13:00 l Schaffhauser Kulturtage l DOWNTOWN


18 June l 17:00 l Festival l DOWNRIVER
19 June l 11:00 l Festival

15 July l 16:00 l Festival KoresponDance (CZ) l DOWNHILL
15 July l 18:00 l Festival KoresponDance (CZ) l DOWNHILL
16 July l 15:00 l Festival KoresponDance (CZ) l DOWNTOWN
16 July l 19:30 l Festival KoresponDance(CZ) l DOWNTOWN
17 July l 15:00 l Festival KoresponDance (CZ) l DOWNRIVER
17 July l 17:30 l Festival KoresponDance (CZ) l DOWNRIVER


4 May 2019 | 11:00 – 12:15 | downtown 555 – KIDS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Münsterhofplatz, Zürich
4 MAY 2019 | 12:30 – 13:45 | downtown 555 – FRAUEN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
bollwerk & TeKi TeKua, starting point: Kulturhaus Helferei
4 May 2019 | 14:00 – 15:15 | downtown 555 – FAST, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Hauptbahnhof meeting point
4 May 2019 | 15:30 – 16:45 | downtown 555 – NASS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: GZ Wipkingen, Zürich
4 May 2019 | 17:00 – 18:15 | downtown 555 – URBAN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Turbinenplatz, Zürich
5 May 2019 | 11:00 – 12:15 |downtown 555- KIDS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Münsterhofplatz, Zürich

5 May 2019 | 12:30 – 13:45 | downtown 555 – FRAUEN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
bollwerk mit TeKi TeKua, starting point: Kulturhaus Helferei

5 May 2019 | 14:00 – 15:15 | downtown 555 – FAST, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Hauptbahnhof
5 MAY 2019 | 15:30 – 16:45 | downtown 555 – NASS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: GZ Wipkingen, Zürich
5 May 2019 | 17:00 – 18:15 | downtown 555 – URBAN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Turbinenplatz, Zürich
10 Aug | 20:00 | downtown, Festival Theater Terras Amersfoort – NL

DOWNTOWN site-specific dance tour in the city with Andrea Boll & Kompanie TekiTekua in Zürich Niederdorf
15 Sept | 2018 | 15.30 | starting point: in front of  KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich
23 Sept | 2018 | 15.00 | starting point: in front of KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich
no reservation needed, just come on time and join us!

5 May 2018 | 15.00 | Zürich Tanzt Festival I
starting point KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich
6 May 2018 | 15.00 | Zürich Tanzt Festival I
starting point KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich 
4 May 2018 | Biel, First Friday

19 May 2019 | 16:00 | work in progress showing at Korzo Theater Den Haag
21 June 2019 | 21:00| Kosmos KLUB, Zurich + Mittsommernachtstanz – Klubabend mit DJ Ajele
5 July 2019 | 21:00 | Julidans Amsterdam / Vondelpark
6 – 8 Sept 2019 | Tanzhaus Zürich (pop-up performance  during opening of the new Tanzhaus building)
15 Nov. 2019 | 20:00 | Fabriktheater – Rote Fabrik, Zürich
16 Nov. 2019 | 20:00 | Fabriktheater – Rote Fabrik, Zürich
21 Nov. 2019 | 20:00 | Fabriktheater – Rote Fabrik, Zürich
22 Nov. 2019 | 20:00 | Fabriktheater – Rote Fabrik, Zürich
23 Nov. 2019 | 20:00 | Fabriktheater – Rote Fabrik, Zürich
30 Nov. 2019 | 20:00 | Haberhaus Schaffhausen

8 Feb 2019 | 18:00 | showing bones  Südpol Theater Luzern
23 Feb 2019 | 20:00 | bones Haberhaus Bühne Schaffhausen
24 Feb 2019 | 18:00 | bones Haberhaus Bühne Schaffhausen
16 June 2019 | 14:00 | bones Landesplattenberg Glarus
16 June 2019 | 16:30| bones Landesplattenberg Glarus

2017 – premiere
15 Dec. 2019 | 20:00 l Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich
16 Dec. 2019 | 20:00 l Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich
17 Dec. 2019 | 18:00 l Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich
20 Dec 2019 | 20:00 l Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich
21 Dec. 2019 | 20:00 l Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik Zürich


4 May 2019 | 11:00 – 12:15 | downtown 555 – KIDS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Münsterhofplatz, Zürich
4 MAY 2019 | 12:30 – 13:45 | downtown 555 – FRAUEN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
bollwerk & TeKi TeKua, starting point: Kulturhaus Helferei
4 May 2019 | 14:00 – 15:15 | downtown 555 – FAST, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Hauptbahnhof meeting point
4 May 2019 | 15:30 – 16:45 | downtown 555 – NASS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: GZ Wipkingen, Zürich
4 May 2019 | 17:00 – 18:15 | downtown 555 – URBAN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Turbinenplatz, Zürich
5 May 2019 | 11:00 – 12:15 |downtown 555- KIDS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Münsterhofplatz, Zürich

5 May 2019 | 12:30 – 13:45 | downtown 555 – FRAUEN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
bollwerk mit TeKi TeKua, starting point: Kulturhaus Helferei

5 May 2019 | 14:00 – 15:15 | downtown 555 – FAST, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Hauptbahnhof
5 MAY 2019 | 15:30 – 16:45 | downtown 555 – NASS, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: GZ Wipkingen, Zürich
5 May 2019 | 17:00 – 18:15 | downtown 555 – URBAN, Zürich Tanzt Festival
starting point: Turbinenplatz, Zürich
10 Aug | 20:00 | downtown, Festival Theater Terras Amersfoort – NL

DOWNTOWN site-specific dance tour in the city with Andrea Boll & Kompanie TekiTekua in Zürich Niederdorf
15 Sept | 2018 | 15.30 | starting point: in front of  KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich
23 Sept | 2018 | 15.00 | starting point: in front of KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich
no reservation needed, just come on time and join us!

5 May 2018 | 15.00 | Zürich Tanzt Festival I
starting point KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich
6 May 2018 | 15.00 | Zürich Tanzt Festival I
starting point KULTURHAUS HELFEREI Zürich 
4 May 2018 | Biel, First Friday

31 July 2021 l in-person l Mobile Dance Film Festival, 92NYC New York City
31 July – 15 Aug. 2021 l virtual screening on MDFF website 

Szerpentin Dance Festival Budapest

May I 2019 l Kosmos, Saal 3, Zürich l  Dance On Screen & Cinedans Amsterdam within Zürich Tanzt 2019 

Nov 2018 I  Sinema Dans Ankara with Cinedans On Tour
6 APRIL 2018 | 20.00 | ANDORRA | Loikka Festival Helsinki within the program Cinedans On Tour
27 March 2018 | 18.30 | RIFFRAFF 4, Zürich | Swiss premiere of DOWNHILL  
Together with four more short dance movies from Cinedans – Dance On Screen 2018

international premiere DOWNHILL in Dance on Screen – Cinedans Festival Amsterdam
17 March 2018 | 10.30 | premiere EYE | Filmmuseum Amsterdam | ZAAL 2 | CinedansFEST Amsterdam
18 MARCH | 14.00 | EYE Filmmuseum Amsterdam | ZAAL 2 | CinedansFEST Amsterdam